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Efficiency of motor rehabilitation in post-stroke hand paresis with the help of biological feedback system "Habilect".
Authors: A.S. Klochkov, A.E. Khizhnikova, A.M. Kotov-Smolensky, N.A. Suponeva, L.A. Chernikova, M.A. Piradov.
Institutions: “Scientific Center for Neurology”, Department of Neurorehabilitation and Physiotherapy, Moscow, Russia.
Year: 2018
Publication: Medical Journal “Herald of Restorative Medicine”, 2018
It is known that successful restoration of motor function of the arm in stroke patients occurs only in 20% of cases. Conducting training in a virtual environment allows you to provide the necessary workspace for motor retraining, as well as provide interactive feedback, which intensifies the rehabilitation process.
The purpose of the study:
Study the effect of training with the virtual biofeedback system “Habilect” based on infrared sensor on the motor function of the paretic arm in the early and late recovery period of stroke.
Materials and methods:
17 patients (10 men, 7 women) aged 34 to 62 years. The duration of the stroke was from 3 to 12 months.
The main group (n = 10) in addition to training with physical instructor, was trained on the virtual biofeedback system “Habilect” during two weeks (30 min, 6 days a week). The control group (n = 7) received time equivalent targeted training with visual feedback from the instructor-methodologist (60 min, 6 days per week). Evaluation methods: Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA), Action Research Arm Test (ARAT), Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) before and after rehabilitation. Patients in the main group had statistically significant improvements (p < 0.05) on the Fugle Meyer scale in the sections “volume of hand movements” and “overall score”; on the ARAT scale: a reliable (p < 0.05) improvement in pinching, large hand movements and an increase in overall score. In the control group, statistically significant changes were found (p < 0.05) only in the “volume of passive movements” section of the Fugl-Meyer scale.
Results and discussions:
Training with the use of virtual biofeedback “Habilect” based on infrared sensor is an effective method of rehabilitation after a stroke, contributing to improve motor function of the hand. This method can be a useful addition to traditional rehabilitation.

System application
This system was used to prepare the materials and methods discussed in current publication