Knowledge Base

Rivermead Mobility Index

The value of the Rivermead Mobility Index corresponds to a score assigned by a question to which a doctor can give a positive answer in regards to a patient.
The index value can range from 0 (inability to independently perform any arbitrary movements) to 15 (ability to run 10 meters).

Our systems are applicable from and including the third skill.

Skill Rating
1 Turn in bed Can turn from back to side without help
2 Move into sitting position Can sit on the edge of the bed by himself
3 Balance sitting Can sit more than 10 sec. on the edge of the bed
4 Stand Up Can get up from any chair in less than 15 seconds and stand for more than 15 seconds, help is possible
5 Self standing Standing for more than 10 seconds without support
6 Move Himself, or with a passive support, moves from bed to a chair and back
7 Walk around the room Himself, or with supportive devices (walkers, orthoses, etc.), can pass more than 10 meters
8 Walk up the stairs Without help, can pass stairway
9 Walk outside the apartment Can walk on the sidewalk without assistance
10 Walk around the room without supportive devices Can pass more than 10 meters in an apartment without any supportive devices
11 Lift Objects from the floor Can pass more than 5 meters, lift the object and come back
12 Cross country walk Can walk on grass, gravel himself
13 Take a bath Independently can go into the bath (shower), take a shower and come out
14 4 step climb and descend May ascend without supportive devices (including railing) four steps and go down
15 Run Can run more than 10 meters without limping in 4 seconds (or fast walk)
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